It’s way more nuanced than “men bad, women bad.” It was a very accurate illustration of how men and women are socialized. Women are taught to be passive and tuck their concerns away for the sake of keeping the peace. Pretty much every woman who’s had an influential role in my life is like this. I am often like this. Men are often socialized to be more upfront and aggressive in the expression of their feelings. This, of course, doesn’t mean every man is like this or vice versa, but this is often the way we are socialized. Women often feel the urge to bend over backwards to make sure men know we’re not demonizing them, and I’m kind of feeling that urge now. I’ve struggled with relationships because I want a genuine connection with a guy and I’ve been disappointed, and I’m not suggesting that it’s one-sided. I am not the best communicator in relationships by any means. And that’s something I’m trying to improve on, and I hope I’m making progress with that. But this scenario is saying that both parties are bad communicators as a result of how they are traditionally socialized. No one is inherently better or worse in this situation. Thank you.